Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day.

January 18, 2011

Food Porn.

Some light-hearted moments of deliciousness !
One fat, yellow guava 
Rightly ripe : sits on my desk.
Aching to burst its sweetness
Into my hungering mouth.
Scented , pink-fleshed tempter ,
I savour every moment of you.
The best I ever had .
I so love oranges.
The dimpled lush body
belying the piquant heart.  
The heady smell ,
so clean,yielding to
my eager fingers; juice
running down my chin .
Take me for a walk
dear dark Chocolat .
When I see you , I can hardly think
Your aroma fills me -
Your bittersweet taste lingers.
Edgy and divine : like first love.


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