Please understand that the Games are not a Mess"Dear Guests,Athletes and Countrymen,Don't squander your tears.We come hither to bury your ComplaintsNot to hear more of them"
This is all over-reaction and Hype -
Created by the alarmist Press: we will soon redress
All the minor 'plaints that are causing this gripe.
We have taken rounds and found that there is no lack of Hygiene;
We Indians are just somewhat "differently Clean".
Foreigners (Fennell ,Hooper & co), do not impose your exalted standards;
On a poor,underdeveloped country of the Third World.
Seepage and snakes are normal after the rains,
The Show will be Big, these are just Teething pains.
A Collapse here and some Dengue there, do not make a Calamity.
Look at the bigger picture: we are Absolutely Prepared.
All those who threaten India's Prestige are Bewared.
Hail the Games -Delhi will change into a World Class City!
We Promise we will take Good Care of all Guests and Athletes.
But they also better cooperate and not act so Hard to Please.